Redeeming Virgin Experience Days Vouchers
If you are a Virgin Experience Days customer and have purchased a Virgin Balloon Flights hot air balloon experience, you will need to redeem your Virgin Experience Day voucher(s) with us before you can book a flight. In order to redeem and activate your vouchers, head over to our Virgin Experien... -
If you are a WonderDays customer and have purchased a Virgin Balloon Flights hot air balloon experience, you will need to redeem your WonderDays voucher(s) with us before you can book a flight. In order to redeem and activate your vouchers, head over to our WonderDays redemption page here Create...
Redeeming a Third Party Gift Voucher
If you have purchased your balloon ride voucher from a third party, you are able to redeem it with us through our online portal. You are able to redeem vouchers from the following providers: Virgin Experience Days WonderDays Experiences